I’m not certain I
was right about that. I’m sure there are
many reasons but by limited and entirely anecdotal evidence would seem to
suggest that many people of all sorts of religious and philosophical
persuasions actually believe (or at least claim to believe) that the mass of
men are fundamentally good. Most of the reasoning I found behind this goes back
to either cultural or general ethical subjectivism. The claim seems to be that
we judge other’s actions to be bad because we have different ethical standards
(which are arbitrarily ingrained in us thanks to culture and our parents), but
that at the end of the day each person generally lives consistently with their own
ethical or moral views.
But this leaves me with something of a
dilemma. You see, I don’t live up to my own ethical or moral views. I see myself
as rather appallingly bad, and (per my last post) infinitely good. Generally we
treat good and evil as being mutually exclusive such that a thing can be good
only to the degree that it is not evil and evil only to the extent that it is
not good. And this approach makes sense since the two are contraries. But we
tend to then conclude that a person’s soul could be plotted on a sort of
morality number line. We tend to think of others and ourselves as this good or that evil. But I don’t believe that it actually works that way.

Does this resonate
with any of you? Is there anyone else out there who is simultaneously aware
that you are glorious and good beyond understanding and simultaneously twisted,
warped and wretched? What do you think of mankind? Are we basically good or
basically evil? Or are those no longer meaningful terms to you?
Hi there;
ReplyDeleteFrom my view point (which is, be warned, essentially a non-philosophical one) I think that we are good, yet lazy. We want to be good, and we imagine ourselves to be good, yet when it comes down to the actual practicalities of it, we don't DO a lot about it (this is somewhat along the lines of my blogpost over the weekend).
Is there an inherent moral compass along the lines of the 'Natural Law' of C.S Lewis? (and others, but it is he that I have been reading lately). I'm not sure. That idea doesn't really resonate with me- but that may be because I don't understand it fully yet.
Thanks for your thoughts! I was struck by your opening thought that we are good but lazy. Depending on what exactly you mean by that we may be on nearly the same page here. Do you think that the laziness is something we begin with? That it is built into our nature somehow? Or that it is sort of forced on us from some other source?
ReplyDeleteRegarding Lewis and the Natural Law, I find that I am very sympathetic to that approach (I think it is most commonly found among Catholics these days) because it does such a good job of explaining the whole deal with sin. My own protestant tradition seems to assume that sin is a sort of arbitrary set of rules God came up with around the time He created humans; mostly just to give us an opportunity to show Him how much we love Him by obeying Him. There may be some little bit of truth to that but it make a whole lot more sense to me to say that God just created the cosmos in a certain way and that that means that some actions (and even thoughts) are just going to be bad for us and for other people. Then, He told us not to do those things because they are bad for us. So when the Bible talks about the consequences of sin it isn't talking about God getting really mad and punishing us for disobeying Him, it's talking about the natural effects of our own behavior and conscious thought life.
Again, thanks for your comments and I'd always love to hear more from you.
I certainly need to think about this more fully; my 'go to' thought patterns still tend to be atheistic, so I have a bit of cognitive dissonance going on at the moment....
ReplyDeleteI think that I see it as a mix of our evolutionary tendencies, which would be self preservation and self interest, combined with any God given nature that pushes us to save a stranger from drowning, or live up to some moral standard. We know that some things are the right thing to do, but those things are not always the easy option- hence the laziness.
Note to self; finish thought in head before posting comment ;)